Our Services

Criminal Cases

Criminal cases involve serious crimes punishable by law with long prison terms or the death penalty. These cases include crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, drug trafficking and terrorism. Criminal cases require lawyers with good experience in criminal law to provide an effective defense and investigate evidence to provide the best results for the accused.


They are less serious crimes than felonies and are punishable by lesser penalties such as fines or short imprisonment. Misdemeanors include crimes such as petty theft, simple assault, and driving under the influence. Dealing with misdemeanor cases requires a thorough knowledge of local laws and the ability to negotiate for reduced sentences or alternative settlements.

Public Funds

Relates to cases related to financial corruption and embezzlement in government institutions. These cases include financial crimes such as bribery, abuse of power, and forgery of financial documents. Lawyers specializing in this field have the ability to handle complex investigations and analyze financial documents to provide a strong defense against charges

Legal consultations

Legal consulting includes providing legal advice to individuals and companies on various legal issues. This advice includes providing legal advices about contracts, resolving disputes, and compliance with laws and regulations. Lawyers specializing in legal consulting help clients understand their legal rights and obligations and make appropriate decisions.

Arbitration and Conciliation

Arbitration and conciliation are alternative methods of resolving disputes outside the courts. Arbitration involves appointing an independent arbitrator to consider the dispute and make a binding decision for both parties. Conciliation, on the other hand, seeks to reach an amicable settlement between the disputing parties through mediation. These methods are effective and quick to resolve disputes and avoid the high costs and lengthy procedures in the courts.

Contract Drafting

The process of preparing and drafting legal documents that set out the terms and conditions of agreements between parties. These contracts include sales contracts, lease contracts, employment contracts, and commercial contracts. Lawyers who specialize in contract drafting are keen to ensure that contracts are clear, accurate, and protect the rights of all parties involved.

Commercial and Civil Cases

Commercial and civil cases related to disputes between individuals or companies that related to commercial or civil matters. Commercial cases include disputes related to commercial contracts, partnerships, and financial transactions. Civil cases include disputes related to property, inheritance, and damages. Lawyers specialized in this field provide legal support to their clients in filing and defending claims before the courts to ensure justice is served and rights are protected.